Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sweet Home Ala...New Orleans

With Christmas falling on a Saturday this year, my vacation time from work is not as long as it usually is, but I definitely want to make the most of the time I have! For the time I am in Birmingham, my goal is to see as many "long lost friends" as possible and try out some new restaurants I've been hearing about.

The day after Christmas, my family has planned an Amtrak trip to New Orleans for three days. I've been to New Orleans two times previously, and I have to confess it's not been one of my favorite places. It is always sticky and humid, and I can never shake the feeling that the city is overcrowded, dirty, and has the stench of stale beer and urine around every corner. Despite that, I am excited for this trip firstly because of our mode of transportation - my parents have taken the train several times now and rave about it, so I'm eager to check it out myself - and two, we have some fun things planned while we will be in New Orleans that I have not had the opportunity to do on my previous trips: a trip to the National WWII Museum, the Haunted History Tour and a reservation for dinner at Emeril Lagasse's NOLA restaurant.

My flights (both direct from LaGuardia to Birmingham with regular departure and arrival times, no less - it's a miracle!) are set thanks to My winter coat has been stuffed away in my New York closet. There's a huge winter storm being forecast for next weekend. I am definitely ready to be back in the Deep South for almost two weeks!

I am only going to document the days where I'm actually doing things, so although this trip was 13 days long, there won't be that many entries. Unless you want to hear my reviews of the movies I watched on TV in my pajamas, in which case I suppose I could make a new entry for each day. But I won't.

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